Haplogroup J was formed someplace in the Middle East and its branches are found primarily in the Mediterranean, Europe and western Asia today, plus, of course, diaspora regions like the Americas, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The mitochondrial Haplogroup J Project at Family Tree DNA provides a map of the most distant known ancestors of Haplogroup J members, including all branches, shown below.

My branch, haplogroup J1c2f, a rare haplogroup, is found in a much more restricted geography. It has taken 10 years or so to accumulate 10 pins on the map.  Of course, there would be more if everyone tested and joined their haplogroup project.

How Old is Haplogroup J?

With the mtFull Sequence test, you receive a lot more information than with the mtPlus test, for not a lot more investment, as you can see in the chart below and as we work through results.

HaplogroupBorn Years AgoReceive With Test
J127,000mtFull Sequence
J1c13.000mtFull Sequence
J1c210,000mtFull Sequence
J1c2f1,000mtFull Sequence

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J mtDNA Migration - From National Genographic This blog is about Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup J. Everyone has Mitochondria within their cell...